How to put names inside notes in sibelius 5
How to put names inside notes in sibelius 5

Flat means to play the note a half step lower, while sharp means to play the note a half step higher. “b” stands for flat and “#” stands for sharp. In other words, notes on the staff can be as follows: Ab, A, A#, Bb, B, B#, Cb, C, C#, Db, D, D#, Eb, E, E#, Fb, F, F#, Gb, G, and G#. But any of these notes can be sharp or flat. The musical alphabet as we’ve seen is made up of the letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Notes can be either natural, sharp, or flat. The treble and bass staves are joined together by a perpendicular line and bracket called a brace. This creates what is known as a grand staff. In music notation, the treble and bass clefs are often combined with an added leger line, middle C.

how to put names inside notes in sibelius 5

The diagram below shows some examples of leger lines. Ledger lines are short lines placed above and below the staff. What happens when we run out of lines and spaces? What happens if we want to play a note which is higher or lower than the notes presented above? We use what is known as a ledger line (leger line). To remember these notes, try the phrase, All Cars Eat Gas. How about the s paces? The spaces of the bass clef are named A C E G. These letters may be remembers by using the phrase Good Boys Do Fine Always. The names of the lines on the bass clef from lowest to highest are G B D F A. All other note names are figured out from this line. Many people call this clef the F clef because of the fact that there are two dots on either side of the F line. The fourth line of this clef is the F line. Here are the notes of the lines and the spaces:Īnd now for the bass clef. The diagram below clearly shows the names of the spaces in the treble clef. This one is easier to remember because it spells the word, “face”. We move now to the letter names of the spaces of the treble clef. The diagram below shows you the names of the lines in the treble clef. An easy way to remember this is with the phrase Every Good Boy Does Fine. Let’s take a look at the music note names for the lines of the treble clef.

how to put names inside notes in sibelius 5

Many people call this clef the G clef because of the fact that it circles the G line. The second line of the treble clef is known as the G line. My #1 Recommendation: Go here to learn about the BEST piano/keyboard course I’ve seen online. The lines and spaces are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet, namely, A B C D E F G. Music is written on a staff consisting of five lines and four spaces. We will start with the notes of the musical staff. Thirdly, we will learn the length/value of different notes and their symbols. Secondly, we will learn the notes that correspond to the keys of the piano keyboard. In particular, we will learn first of all the names of notes on the musical staff. This lesson is all about music note names.

How to put names inside notes in sibelius 5